Caption was able to map larger problem with the professional issues we face. I think my takeaway team the session is the layer came in the life professional goals.
Learning is the best of life & Learning via real life experience will make Feeling how much passion destruction problems effort be desired to more presentably. The section to situation & make steps to more.
The biggest take away from the session is to search” purpose” to life bringing yourself to terms preparation you can make a different to this society our family & nation at “Large”.
It was thrilling and insuring to write to Capt. Saxena Journey is survive the nation at such a critical journey as a citizen are dept to him and also his family. I am sure just like his talk helped us learn a new think many more lives will be touched.
We know it’s a tough task facing a war where enemy is at upper head this session wake up the self confidence trying till success, leadership est. like analytic back and brought it to the part hires lean.
Very motivating, A very measurable day in my life to meet a real Kargil heroin person an honor just spending time.
To meet and listen to a war hero is a prime opportunity for me. The leadership experience for war field has been a wonder full learning session for me. The war example and etc. application in day to day were life is very well applied.
To be present with the person who has led the admission of kargil is on honorable movement. I like the course of how on onsite experience was converted into learning. A strategic case study can be added by increase of the time of the course.